Soil remediation using in-situ method in Frankfurt am Main
In Frankfurt’s Gallus district, Bauer Resources used an innovative in-situ method to rehabilitate a former industrial site to construct the new “franky” quarter. Using high-pressure pumps, an active ingredient solution was injected at 40 different points up to 27 m deep to break down the contaminants in the soil – more than 70,000 l of active ingredient emulsion and approximately 430 l of bacteria suspension were required for this purpose. With considerably more than 10 bars of pressure, high efficiency was also guaranteed for highly cohesive soils across the planned injection radius. However, the secret of success is not just the method, but also the active ingredient: This could be used selectively and adapted strategically depending on the degree of pollution.
BAUER Resources GmbH, Bauer Umwelt Division
Kleyerstraße 94, 60326 Frankfurt am Main
Since November 2021
Brownfield remediation
High pressure injection method
Focusing on innovative methods

In principle, the method of high pressure injection is very simple, but the details are very exciting. And incredibly innovative, efficient and sustainable.”
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