Brownfield remediation from A to Z on Berlin airport grounds
Arriving at an airport usually comes along with a sense of excitement about an upcoming vacation. But for Bauer Resources, the task at hand on the airport grounds in Schoenefeld, Berlin is the rehabilitation of the former north tank farm. What this actually means: More than 2,200 m3 of cubical content are being successively dismantled and roughly 25,000 t of polluted soil are being exchanged. This is a complex job overall, especially if you consider that the work involves six massive steel tanks with an individual capacity of 375 m3: each of them is 4 m wide and 30 m long. In addition, there are strict safety precautions and ongoing flight operation around the site. How do they manage? The answer is: Expertise.
BAUER Resources GmbH, Bauer Umwelt Division
Willy-Brandt-Platz 2, 12529 Schoenefeld
Since October 2022
Dismantling, soil remediation, groundwater treatment, disposal
Replacement boring, Pump & Treat